Healthy habits. Every day of our lives, we have a way of performing simple duties, chores, errands, exercising and multiple tasks. A habit is formed and with repetition we idle along, thus becoming lazy.
Simply put, we have learned to do things the easy way. But the easy way has left us with pulled muscles, aching bones, and flabby skin.
We have some SIMPLE everyday moves that can improve your form and function. Things we like to call, Daily Differences. It’s so simple, you will say to yourself, “Why haven’t I been doing it this way all along?”
So, check this section of Fitness Recon for a tip on changing 1 more thing and make your tomorrow pure joy.
You never know, it may prevent you from having an injury that leads you to the hospital, or even better, it may just turn the head of your sweetheart and lead to Daily Desirability!
Oh, and remember LOVE YOURSELF and everyone else will too!
Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly and Get Fit With Us!