Blue ocean, I miss you.I can’t stop thinking about you.I lay in bed thinking of all the wonderful times we have shared together and hear the ebb and flow of your voice echo in my ears.Your waves of emotion continually crash upon the depths of my mind indefinitely.I feel the wind blow through my open window cooling my skin from the heat of the night as I slowly drift off to sleep.I dream…, entering your realm with excitement and caution.
Blue Ocean, I respect you. I know that if I enter your depths with love, respect, and courtesy, I will continue to see and learn your inner beauty.
You are vast, beautiful and mysterious, yet dangerous if not respected.
Most people only see you on the surface. I am coming to know you for who you are, and recognize your wisdom.At times you can be course, cold and unforgiving,I have learned that you have adapted to the conditions of your environment and give life to creatures that look entirely alien to our land-based brains.
No one has ever shown me love like you have.I admire your powerful soul and the way you surge life into everything around you.There have been times in our relationship that I have felt fear, and out of control.You were unclear, I did not listen.I could not see, and I was going against your current; you quickly buoyed me up and got my attention.I quit fighting you and we moved fluidly together.My senses heightened, and with each exhalation, I could hear my breath returning to the surface encapsulated in various sized bubbles.I felt peace and serenity in your arms again.You have shown me a whole new world that lives and breathes within your reach.
You have healed me.
I want to give back!
You have healed me in ways that medicine cannot.You have taken away the weight of the world.
Despite gravity, I can fly!Your waves of emotion have carried me through some difficult times and continually inspire me to enrichen the lives of others.Your great and powerful wisdom has helped me realize the past no longer exists and the future hasn’t arrived.There is only the now!And right now, I want to deepen our relationship, I want to explore your unknown secrets.
And strangely as this may seem, I want to share your healing stimulation with everyone.
I know that if I want to continue our relationship, I have to come to you and I’m ok with that.No distance, mountain, valley or obstacle will keep me from your tranquil embrace.My Deepest Love,
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Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly, Say your prayers and Train like a Marine!