A New Healthier You! Your body is your temple, so take care of it because it’s the only one you’ve got.
Your physical and spiritual health depends on how you choose to live. Did you know that every cell in your physical body is replaced every 11 months? With the exception of brain cells, which replace themselves every 7 years.
Healthy Living
Rather than drinking soda, have a glass of water, milk, or natural fruit juice.
Instead of driving to close destinations try walking, just a mile or two a day can make a huge difference. Return your shopping cart instead of leaving it by your car.
Take the stairs rather than the elevator or escalators.
Make a habit of checking the labels on food. Just because you think it’s healthy doesn’t mean it’s nutritious.
Refrain from any substances you know are addictive or dangerous.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat more fruit and veggies!
Exercise daily. Just do something no matter how small you think it is. Get out and walk a little if nothing else.
Relax when its time to relax and reflect a little. What are the things that make you happy? What can you do to implement those things more into your life?
Cut out social media, the news, TV or any non-positive activity and replace with an hour of physical activity.
When you eat, make healthy choices and keep them in proper portions. Stop stuffing yourself!
If you have any health concerns see your doctor and get wellness checks at least once a year.
Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly and Get Fit With Us!